Tuesday 6 August 2013

"Never Surrender" Play Symbolic Of The Rams' Resilience

Being defeated is often a temporary condition
Giving up is what makes it permanent 
 -Marilyn vos Savant

The loss last night snapped the team’s four  game winning streak. But although we were defeated, I salute the team because they took their chances, and the "Never Surrender" attitude in a game which they couldn’t find their offense and could easily have given up.  Down with three goals at half-time, the Rams roared back to give a 3-2 aggregate score, but the traditional last minute magic failed to materialize.

No matter how dark the situation might seem, the Rams kept fighting until the final whistle.  Just goes to show anything truly can happen in the wacky three-down game. To come in at 3-0 at the break, we were disappointed with the scoreboard but we weren’t disheartened.

But picking the ball out of your own net three times is never a good thing to do. In my opionion, sad to say, the team didn't made good use of the home field advantage.  In the first forty odd minutes of the game,  the team's performance was rather poor ~  bad passing, the ball that went all over the place except into the back of the opponent's net and the lack of concentration which allowed too many chances for the Jaguars. 

Then the Rams decided to turn the table.  For the home team came alive in the second half and things didn't go as smoothly for the Jaguars as possession and momentum swung when the Rams got into the game bolstered by strong tackling and some astute kicking and possession. The supporters were hoping we could at least walked away with 1 point, but alas, we lost the race against time. 

Well, it just wasn’t our day and no use crying over spilled milk.  So it's back to the training ground, to keep the hard work, keep the belief, keep the trust in one another and keep pushing on week by week and game by game.

As for the supporters...we were not willing to give up, no matter the circumstances. And that's what we did last night. We were staying positive about the team's chances and won't give up hope of a drastic turnaround. Even as our dismay hung in the air as time ticked away,  we carried on cheering for the players with as much heart even after the match as if they had won victory.  And the atmosphere was just simply carnivalesque and it simply rocked the stadium!

Photo Credit: Andrew Him

However, there were some sore bodies on the pitch  but there were also some very, very proud men!  Shariff Samat was injured in the leg before the half-time whistle, and was limping his way with the support of two teammates.  I have tremendous respect  for his mental and physical toughness, and Shariff, like a brave warrior was back on the pitch in the second half.  

So to all players & supporters, do not loose heart! We have yet to fight!

**P.S.  ALL content used in this not-for-profit blog remain the property of their respective owners.

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