Monday 8 July 2013

No Fans, No Noise

~Video Credit: colmmod ~

Recently heard from some fellow Black Sheep that loudhailer was not allowed in Bedok Stadium.  Don't understand what was the true reason behind this?? Is it due to noise pollution or safety measure issue?

If the organiser feels that fans and supporters are too rowdy and cause some disturbance to the nearby residences, then why build a stadium within the close proximity of a housing estate?  Next round, build your stadiums on top of a hill, in the middle of a reservoir or deep in the jungle.  But wait, pros and cons, who knows, you might receive complaints from the animals and fish too.

Talking about safety measures.  If you guys want to classify loudhailer as a potential "weapon", then maybe you should consider these items in your list too: ~ slippers, sandals, handphones, i-pads, laptops (yes, believe me, when someone is very frustrated, he would fling anything), handbags and backpacks.  

Enough of crap.  My main point is: A noisy stadium is part of a football game, it reflects how exciting the game is.  If one walking past a stadium with a match going on and can't hardly hear  a sound, he would think: "What a boring game."

I think every player walking in and out of the tunnel feels good when he hears someone cheering for him or his team.   As the teams step onto the field supporters want to make sure their team hear  their voice of encouragement. 

A good atmosphere at the stadium can make the difference for both the players on the pitch and the spectators in the stands. The boost a lively crowd gives to the home team and the way it can intimidate the opposition can also help bring success, and therefore money, to a club.  I am sure the club management won't want to see an almost empty stadium. 

To sum it all, NO NOISE = NO FANS.

The views and opinions expressed are mine alone  and do not represent the Black Sheep.

**P.S. ALL content used in this not-for-profit blog remain the property of their respective owners. 

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