Tuesday 20 March 2012

Excuse Me, I Am lost!


Sometimes I wonder, am I suffering from 'Directional Dyslexia'? 

Once I begin travelling alone, I am not able to find my way to many places. Even with planning beforehand, I am still unable to travel too far on my own without getting seriously lost.  It looks like my inner "GPS" don't work too well.  I can follow maps perfectly, but when I come to the scene, I am lost ~ I cannot tell whether I am heading north, south, east, or west.  I always asked myself: How come the distance from point A to point B looks so short on the directory map, but in real life situation looks like the Silk Road to me?

It is a standing joke among my collegues that if I walked beside a longkang [drain] I might end up in Singapore River. Is this real? Of course  they have exaggerated but it isn't a joke that I have a horrific sense of direction.  Some of them laughed at me and asked: "How on earth can you get lost in a small country like Singapore?"  I proceed to tell them: "Well, if I knew that, I wouldn't be lost!"  

Just yesterday I was trying to find the entrance to the grand stand at Jalan Besar Stadium and I was so embarrassed and upset over it. Not only was I embarrassed but also stressed because I was literally going in circles.   I had passed the one and only coffee shop thrice and the stall holders were starting to eye me up and down. I got clear and detailed directions from my son  and yet a moment later I got them confused, so much so that he had to come out to look for me. 

To be alone, lost, and disoriented without a sense of direction is one of the worst and the more I panic, the worse it gets. I can only attribute the feeling of frustration and panic I feel, when I'm lost, to being the same as someone who is losing their memory. 

~Diary of a Lost Kambing~

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